Monday, April 1, 2013


Who would have thought that a TV show about a conjoined dog and cat would be so entertaining? The even better question is who thought that they could get along so well? Sure they have their fights, but that's a part of life. I guess if you have no choice but to be stuck together you set your instincts aside. Just like many other cartoon friendships (ex: Pinky and the Brain & Kenan and Kel) one was smarter while the other was more easy going and fun loving. Cat was usually coming up with plans to trick Dog into doing what he wanted. Dog on the other hand was more concerned about chasing garbage trucks. I did feel a little bit bad for Cat when Dog took off after a garbage truck, I mean I wouldn't like being dragged all around town. I'd also hate to get heartburn from something that someone else ate. Dog is so adorable though, you just couldn't get mad at him. He also knows how to have a fun time while Cat is more uptight. Too bad both of them have to live with Winslow, the rude mouse that lives in the walls of their fish/bone house. My grandparents even liked CatDog. They enjoyed watching it with me when I was over at their house. They thought all of their craziness was hilarious. I would say that is a great quality in a show when it can reach into two age groups that for the most part don't have much in common. A few CatDog episodes can be found on YouTube.

Here is one of their crazy adventures! I've also attached the theme song!

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