Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Power Rangers

It's morphin time! Just like a lot of other girls I wanted to morph into the pink power ranger and get the pterodactyl dinozord. So much that it was my Halloween costume one year. Every day I watched the gang fight Rita (Rita might make a pretty good Halloween costume now), Lord Zedd, Goldar, and the putties. I liked Rita better than Lord Zedd. To me Lord Zedd just seemed inside out, I'm not sure if that is what he is or if he is just suppose to be muscle without skin? Zordon was basically the president in my world back then and having a robot like Alpha would have been the greatest. When McDonald's started giving power ranger action figures as the toy in Happy Meals I had to have them all. I was successful at getting them all to. When we went my grandma would make sure to ask for one of characters that I was missing. I was then able to create my own Power Ranger's "episodes" while I was waiting for the actual episodes to come on tv. It's amazing how great of a show Power Rangers is considering it is extremely predictable. The same thing happens in every episode, the Power Rangers are just going about their daily lives and then they have to go see Zordon and Alpha and they tell them about the monster Rita has created. Then they go to defend the town and fight the monster. Then the monster grows to an enormous size so then the rangers have to combine their dinozords to create the Megazord and then the Megazord defeats the monster with its power sword. The two monsters that automatically come to my mind are Purse Head and Lipsyncher. Who knew handbags and makeup could be so dangerous? Power Rangers also had some pretty good movies. Sadly over the years the Power Rangers have went down hill. I will always remember the good ole 90's days of the Power Rangers though. I couldn't find any full episodes but some can be found on Netflix.

Here is a video of the previews of each episode in season one. It gets kind of repetitive but still brings back some good memories.


  1. I have to admit, growing up to be the pink power ranger was a dream of mine for the longest time. I too was the pink power ranger for Halloween, a few times, and my friends and I were the power rangers in high school our sophomore year. Watching it now, and like many other shows, I'm not sure why I watched them in the first place, but hey like you said, it was pretty awesome. There was something pretty special about growing up in the 90s, especially the TV shows. Personally, they were a lot better than what some of the stations are putting out for kids these days. I'm sure every kid who grew up in the 90s can agree, we had it good. I miss those 90s shows, I might have to have a marathon one of these days and re-live the glory days! It will be fun to read about all of the shows we grew up with.

  2. I love this! I totally was obsessed with the Pink PowerRanger as well as a kid! I wore it as a halloween costume to. Although when I first got into it as a kid, my mom would not let me watch it. She said it was too violent. So I went to my friends houses to watch it. haha such a rebel.
